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About Us

What we do

Taleed catalyzes SMEs to sustain and grow through programs that add value to the Aramco ecosystem and the Kingdom, while creating new opportunities for investors, stakeholders, and Saudi Arabia’s economy. We do this by developing ecosystems, building alliances, and working closely with SMEs, aiming to catalyze their sustainability growth and increase job creation.

Program Vision

To be an instrumental partner in enabling the Aramco ecosystem and Kingdom’s economic development by sustaining and accelerating the growth of strategic SME businesses.

Program Mission

Identify and execute initiatives in collaboration with the Aramco ecosystem and Kingdom’s major stakeholders to increase the contribution of SMEs to the Kingdom’s economy, develop the SME ecosystem, accelerate SME growth, and create job opportunities at scale.

Program Objectives


Stimulate and accelerate sustainable SME growth and employment that add value to the Aramco ecosystem and Kingdom’s SME ecosystem.


Align with the Kingdom’s strategies designed to increase the SME contribution to the economy and Vision 2030 targets.


Work with the public and private sectors to address SME challenges and gaps.